If you are building or remodeling, or want to change systems in order to take advantage of some renewable energy incentives available to Maryland residents, these are some good starting points for fact finding.


Maryland offers a Geothermal Heat Pump Grant Program. It is a $3,000 rebate incentive on systems meeting the program requirements.
This two and a half minute video by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy succinctly explains the technology behind geothermal heating and cooling.


The Residential Clean Energy Grant Program is another rebate incentive program, worth $1,000 for a residential photovoltaic panel system meeting the specifications of the program.
Informational articles relating to solar systems and an exhaustive list of frequently asked questions and concise answers can be found at the Clean Energy Authority.


The Windswept Grant Program offers a rebate incentive, as well, worth $3,000 for a residential wind power generation system meeting the program requirements. Links on the U.S. Department of Energy WINDExchange page illustrate wind activity in Maryland and provide a small system customer guide to help determine if wind is a sensible solution for your residence.

Last but not least, the Maryland Energy Administration offers a wealth of information for Marylanders regarding EmPOWER Maryland, and all energy related topics.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields…and the ground temperature maintain a steady 55 degrees for your heating and cooling needs!